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BusyJumboBoss Application
Topic Locked
BusyJumboBoss Member
4 posts
1 topics
over 2 years ago

IGN: BusyJumboBoss


Age: 15


What is your timezone?: GMT


Do you have any previous staff experience?: 

ManifestMC / Admin for 3 months


Jaguar Prison / Media Owner 6 months


RetroMC / Mod 6months



I make the right decisions and dont let my feelings get in the way.

Why would you like to become staff?: I have been playing exodus since season 1 and would like to continue to move my time on exodus on, exodus has a great community and i think i would help to keep that light going since we are still 3 days in and have 90 avg players, i believe i could supply a good general help to people that need help, also reading over old staff applications i see there isnt many GMT mods so  another one may be beneficial since there will be more mods on when its like 5am american time.

If accepted, how can you improve the servers experience?: I feel like i can connect with the players since i can be friendly to players and can listen to what the community wants, i also feel like with my experience i can help people.

What 3 attributes and 3 skills do you posses that will asist you as a staff member and the server. How will those effect the server positively? I have a good relatioship with alot of the staff on the server and can go to them for things. I do believe that with my connections and with my knowingness of the server i can  contribute alot to the community and easily make friends/get to know the current mods.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: InfoBlock

Can you meet our season requirement of 12 hours per season?: yes i had around 30hours of pt last season and had alot of playtime on Beta, im a very active player and have helped to find many bugs (including the money note dupe) that was a great bug to find.

What is your Discord?: BusyJumboBoss#0543


Additional Information:  some additional information about me is that i love to sit in discord vc’s with people and i think that this will be good with connecting with people, i will also have a quick response time to tickets since i am always on discord even when im away from my pc, since i always get many discord notifications. I may be at school but i have alot of free time since i have free periods, and these are used to play mc.


Last edited: over 2 years ago
ZxenMC Senior Moderator Staff
77 posts
7 topics
over 2 years ago

Hello BusyJumboBoss

Thank you for applying at ExodusMC

Thanks for editing your application to the requirements. As i will be locking down on applications and ensuring better quality applications. I will be giving you the benefit of the doubt and humbly ACCEPT your application. 

Your next step of this process will be a vocal/voice interview! This shouldn't take long depending on how well you answer!, please contact me via ticket to arrange a time!

Thank you again & Enjoy ExodusMC

ZxenMC - Manager & Staff Manager of ExodusMC 

Don’t hesitate to MSG me on discord or in-game for support