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InfoBlock's Return
Topic Locked
InfoBlock Member
1 posts
1 topics
5 months ago

Greetings, ExodusMC Management!

My name is InfoBlock, I'm an former Admin of ExodusMC and I'm here to reapply, older Staff Members from my time here should know the reason on why I was fired but that wouldn't stop me to reapply now as that topic should be over by now, it's been a year probably..


I'm currently 22 years old coming from Germany, my Discord is InfoBlock.


The realm that I'm trying to apply for would be SkyBlock, as that is the realm I was a staff for in the first place and I would like to stay on that realm as I got more experience in SkyBlock than in Gens and Prisons.


According my previous staffing experience, there is plenty of experience. Starting back in 2019 on a friends Server where I soon became the Co-Owner of his future Servers when I started off as a simple Moderator and Developer. In 2022 or 2023 I became an Trainee (which is now the Helper) here at ExodusMC and worked my way up to the rank of Admin within 9 months, actively playing and streaming on the Server aswell as helping out the Players as best as I can.


The reason I want to become a Staff on ExodusMC (again) is because I miss the good old times, all the fun that I got to experience here. Even if my application might get denied now for not having the 12 hours playtime, I'd just like to mention that my playtime was really high back then when I was in the ExodusMC Team for the first time. Throughout the 9 months that I worked here, I got to a minimum of 200h+ playtime per Season and haven't missed a single season in the whole 9 months.


I haven't played Minecraft for quite a while but still have all the knowledge that I had for the past few years, I'm currently the Co-Owner of a small Survival Server aswell which name I'm not going to mention as I don't want to advertise for any other servers in my application.


I'm able to put alot of time into the Server on a daily and weekly basis, just like I did before.


Before I forget this, I still have to mention 3 skills and 3 weaknesses so here we go:

[+] Able to work in a team

[+] Experience in Moderating Minecraft Servers

[+] SkyBlock and Minecraft knowledge

[-] Sometimes impatient

[-] Taking some time to think due to ADHD

[-] Still thinking of a third one


I hope that this application can impress you once again and I hope I get the chance to join back into the wonderful ExodusMC Team!


Kind regards,


M7L35 Manager Staff
40 posts
1 topics
5 months ago


Unfortunately, your application for staff on ExodusMC has been DENIED.

You may reapply in 2 weeks.

Kind Regards,
