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Staff Application
Topic Locked
L8F8_skillz Member
1 posts
1 topics
9 months ago

IGN L8F8_skillz.

What is your Discord?: L8F8_skillz, or NZ caz, or smh_rn.

Age: 16.

What is your timezone?: EST.

What realm are you applying for? (Skyblock, Gens, Prisons): Skyblock.

Do you have any previous staffing experience? Yes. I used to own, and I am currently reopening the server called ZipherMC, I was also a moderator on a decently big server called cobra.gg, I was also helper on a CPVP server, I have multiple experiences in being staff.

Why do you want to become staff on ExodusMC?: I feel like I can make a difference overall in the community, also with my experiences in being staff on other servers I feel like I can help out around the server.

What 3 skills do you believe you have that would assist you while being staff on ExodusMC?: Suggestions, Update ideas, and builds.

What 3 weaknesses do you believe you have that you would like to improve upon while being staff on ExodusMC?: Communication, Helping with Communities, being a good staff member overall.

Are you currently staff on any other servers?: I own a server that is unreleased right now.

How much time are you able to put into the server on a daily/weekly basis?: I would say 24-48 hours weekly, 5-8 hours a day.

Additional Information (Optional):

M7L35 Manager Staff
40 posts
1 topics
9 months ago


Unfortunalty, are careful consideration we have decided to set your application to DENIED.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.

Kind Regards,
