IGN: Destify
Age: 15
Yes I do have previous staff experience on 3 servers. I've been a Junior Mod on a server called Quantum Mc that was deleted by a developer, an owner of a many discord servers with 300+ members, and I'm an admin on a server that I'm currently working on with my developers and the owners of the server.
I would like to become staff on Exodus because I feel like I see some staff members on sometimes but not all the time and I feel like I could fit that gap of time that is being missed for moderation on the server when other staff members are not on. I can take late night times on the weekend and sometimes from 5-10 P.M. I am enrolled in school so some days I may not be able to get on for long but I will get on as much as I can those days. Im in football so I have games and possibly the playoffs so I might not be able to play some nights. After football ends for me then I will be able to be on much more than I would in the football season.
I can help the server improve by my moderations and help to those in need of it when playing on the server and those players might think that this server is really good and share it to their friends because of the moderation skills.
I don't think any staff member really knows me besides the Moderator named ImBaihu. We have talked recently just about the game and they assisted me with some problems I had.
Yes I can 100% meet the 12 hour requirement, most likely more than that.
My discord is Destify#3575
I would like to say thank you to anyone who reads this and I hope that you can choose me to help out with this server! I want to help this server grow because it is made fantastically but it just hasn't gotten out there as much as it should be! I want this server to be the best of the best!
-Destfy <3
Last edited: over 2 years ago