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Piccaxes Staff Application
Topic Locked
Piccaxe Member
1 posts
1 topics
11 months ago

IGN (In Game Name): Piccaxe

What is your Discord?: @ Piccaxe

What is your timezone?:Central Standard Time / UTC-6

What realm are you applying for? (Skyblock, Gens, Prisons):Skyblock Gens and Prisons (since its usually 1 map going on at a time but ill main skyblock)

Do you have any previous staffing experience? (If yes, please list them and explain your experience): 
ManifestMC Helper --> Moderator --> Staff Application Lead (resigned)
Picblock Owner -> Resigned (we shut it down but it averaged around 100 players daily
Piccaxe Events Owner (still owner events average around 100 people)


Why do you want to become staff on ExodusMC?: I play on the server alot whilst their are no other staff online I have prior experience and would like to gain more experience for latter projects and help out the community on the way

What 3 skills do you believe you have that would assist you while being staff on ExodusMC?: Activity ( I can no life this server ) I have a good knoweldge of the server and can help out new players 

What 3 weaknesses do you believe you have that you would like to improve upon while being staff on ExodusMC?: i procrastinate things, can get a lil angy quickly need to become a tad bit more tolerable with people

Are you currently staff on any other servers?: Owner of my events server

How much time are you able to put into the server on a daily/weekly basis?: 4-5 hours a day Edit i forgot to mention this I cannot play on sundays only monday-saturday with on average 4-5 hours a day

Additional Information (Optional): Edit staff asked me for more info so here you go! |
I understand that I am somewhat young to be staff and with school it can get in the way and be harder for me to be as active luckily I am homeschooled and do all my school by myself so I only do school for around 2-4 hours a day compared the rest of the people my age, I believe I could be a good staff to as pre-mentioned my prior experience and am looking to expand my portfolio (which ill make a actual staff doc soon)  
Also one other thing is I do like to make content and had a hard time deciding between applying for staff or media ( i havent uploaded in a long time but i have around 3 videos in editing as of this time and the thumbnails i hired people to make are finally finished!) so if there was possibly a way for me to be a like media staff ya know that'd be great but if not I would rather be staff,  I am running short on words but am close to 350 (noa messaged me asking to add more words I've been sitting here for a bit yapping I know but I'm trying to think of more to say) I do think I am out of things to mention if you have any questions you have my discord!



Last edited: 11 months ago
M7L35 Manager Staff
40 posts
1 topics
11 months ago



Apologies for not putting this on PENDING when you had your interview.

After your interview, you have been ACCEPTED!

Please get in contact with me on discord (m7l35)
