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mateuszbrem27 staff application
Topic Locked
mateuszbrem27 Member
2 posts
2 topics
about 1 year ago

IGN (In game name):mateuszbrem27


What is your time zone?: GMT

Do you have any previous staff experience?: No I don't have any experience with Minecraft servers but I do have experience of being a mod, or admin on discord servers.

Why would you like to become staff?: I would like to be on the staff time as I like to help out people, I welcome everyone and I try to always be respectful to everyone on the server. I will also want to be a staff member as when I started playing on the server I sometimes didn't notice as much staff on when i am on and sometimes people needed help so I hopped in and tried my best to help them out with whatever they need.

If accepted, how can you improve the servers experience?: I can be active a lot on the server if I am needed to, I respect everyone equally and try to help everyone with whatever they may need help with.

What 3 attributes and 3 skills do you posses that will assist you as a staff member and the server. How will those effect the server positively? I can communicate and help others, I am a very professional person so I accept everyone equally, I try to listen to both sides of stories and try to respect others boundaries, I always keep out for everyone and always have my eyes on the chat to see when anyone else may need any help. 

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: I don't think so

Can you meet our season requirement of 12 hours per season?: yes I can as I nearly always play for 5 hours each day, I play more too depending if I don't have anything to do in the next morning

What is your Discord?: mr.nobody27

Additional Information (Optional): I always try to ask for help if I cant solve the problem by myself and I always try to get a second eye on a circumstances like to check the video of any proof, I will try to get someone else from the staff team to check it out to and see if they notice the things I noticed or if they didn't, I am good in teamwork and respectful to all the staff team and I will be appreciated to be added to the staff family and join on the journey of the server and be there the help out whenever I am helpful. 

zrzdomiantor Member
28 posts
0 topics
about 1 year ago

Hello Mateuszbrem27,


Unfortunately, your application to join the ExodusMC staff team has been unsuccessful.

If you would like to know the reasons behind this, feel free to contact me.


You may re-apply in 1 week.


Thank you,
