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Minecraft: sotsi
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Staff Application Sotsi about 1 year ago

IGN (In game name): Sotsi
Age: 19
What is your timezone?: CET
Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yes I do, 

Minemen Club

Minemen club is a practice server. You probably have been on the server before. I ended up resigning as a moderator as I got busy with my real life. I resigned as a moderator and my main priorities were banning blatant cheaters and keeping the chat clean. I did ban alot of elo boosters aswell with my mentor at the time Rowteh.

HiveMC Hivemc was a mini games server. You might have heard of it before. I was a helper on the HiveMC network for about a month since the server was shutting down. My main responsibilities was to sit in the premium hubs and answering players their questions and handle their reports (Spec a cheater and kick them out of the game). Valent network On the valent network I was a plat-admin. I didn’t really do much yet since they were working on the new season. My main priorities were handling discord tickets and helping out on the server with test runs etc. PvpHood I ended up resigning from the server as a Admin. My responsibilities were managing mentors (Staff work and over all professionality) , I managed promotions, ban appeals and I handled staff applications.


Why would you like to become staff?: 

Being a staff member would help me strive the community into a better place not only for me but for the others within the community to have a fun and enjoyable environment and for the server to continue to grow. I don't want to become a staff member because of the commands, attention, perks or power at all, I want to become a staff member because I really want to help the server with my services. I’d like to become a staff member on MMC because I know that I can handle the responsibilities and the hard work to become a good staff member. I’m willing to take this seriously and give it my all. I want to be a role model for the members of the server. I want them to know they can come to me with any questions they have and that I’m willing to help them. I want to make sure the server will be alright when the owners are offline which already is a part of being a staff member. I have familiarized myself with the rules and am ready to handle any scenario with a focused mindset in making the players feel protected and filled with positive energy, hopefully providing them an enjoyable experience. 

If accepted, how can you improve the servers experience?: I have familiarized myself with the rules and am ready to handle any scenario with a focused mindset in making the players feel protected and filled with positive energy, hopefully providing them an enjoyable experience.
What 3 attributes and 3 skills do you posses that will asist you as a staff member and the server. How will those effect the server positively? 

Responsibility and respect.

Responsibility is a big aspect of being staff on a Minecraft server. You are being trusted with a bunch of commands that you should be responsible with at all times.It’s also really important to own up for your actions in various situations. When you make a mistake or something is not done right, you should fix it or bring it to the attention of a higher up staff member.. I don't see it being the right way leaving mistakes left and unfixed. Everyone makes mistakes but the most important about making mistakes is to learn from them and prevent it from happening again. Also, it is very important to be respectful, whether it is to the players on the server or the staff team. All the players on the server should be treated with respect even when they don’t give it to you.



The professionalism of staff members is the main factor of staffing proficiency. Many staff members don't know when to stop joking and get something done first. On the other hand, I personally stick to my own standards under any circumstances. Of course, I do not deny that there should be no jokes among staff members, but to a certain extent it is certain. The staff is the only person who affects the reputation of the server. Professionalism aside is also a source of putting players aside. This will lead to disposal, because a good attitude is the key to professionalism. I can get along with many players, and I can deal with players I don't like in a professional way.


The right acclimatization.

So, I’ve realized from experience on other servers that staff either have the right side of acclimatization or the wrong one. The wrong side is that for most of the staff, being professional and taking staffing seriously is mainly a priority for them in their first month. After their first month, the staff member possibly gets accustomed to the environment (acclimate) and starts taking staffing less seriously and puts their professional stand on hold. This results in them being demoted. The right side of acclimatization is keeping that professional stand and seriousness even after 5 months of being staff and I think that’s a great strength of mine over other applicants.




I believe that a main factor to being a good staff member is being mature. There’s been times where people would try to provoke me or start controversy intentionally in many ways, but i’ve always remained calm. I personally try to not respond to people that have bad intentions. Can any current staff members vouch for you?:


Can you meet our season requirement of 12 hours per season?: Yes I can
What is your Discord?: sorry#0001
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