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lildevilsoul Member
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Minecraft: lildevilsoul
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applying to help out about 1 year ago

ign: LilDevilSoul

Age: 28

what time zone you are in: est +1

do you have previous experience: yes i do i use to be a helper for a server that didnt make it throught out the season and the owner gave up on trying to keep the server up and running.

why would you like to become staff: to help others out and get to know them and become friends with them. And always be there to help out.

if accepted, how can you improve the server experience: alway be there to help out others and be there when they need help.

what are 3 attributes and 3 skills do you posses that will assist you as a staff member and the server. how will thoses effect the server positively: one is always be happy and friendly to other people who are having a bad day, two if someone is fighting and calling names i would step in and ask what is wrong and try and figure out how to slove it. 3 is always be positive and friendly. skills are always sloving things out. 2, be there for others 3. is always be friendly to others when they need it.

can any current staff members vouch for you: i hardly see anyone on to ask if they can.

can you meet our season requirements of 12 hours per season: yes i can because i am always on lurking.

what is your discord: Lil Shadow Dev#8296