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killedbydash Member
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Minecraft: killedbydash
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IGN (In game name): Killedbydash
What is your timezone?: EST
Do you have any previous staff experience?:Yes, Wyndbox, soullbox, hypridbox, Eurupa network.
Why would you like to become staff?: Becoming a staff member means you get to help and benefit the community in many way's that your average player can not do. I want to benefit the community and make it fun and enjoyable for all player's including helping and assisting player's in ticket's or in game
If accepted, how can you improve the servers experience?: Morale, Experience, Less exploitation.
What 3 attributes and 3 skills do you posses that will assist you as a staff member and the server. How will those effect the server positively? I am a leader, my moderation skill's are very good, and I am always in a good mood and alway's want what is better for the community. This could help with the server moral, event's, and experience.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?:No.
Can you meet our season requirement of 12 hours per season?: Yes.
What is your Discord?:Zapy#2899
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