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dELiciousz Member
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Minecraft: dELiciousz
Discord: d3Liciousz#1910
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IGN (In Game Name) : dELiciousz

Age : 35

Timezone: GMT-1

Any Previous Staff Experience: Yes, i have quite a bit of Staff experience on servers

VanityMC / Prison

ComplexGaming / Skyblock

ManaCube / Skyblock

Experience i got: I can solve the problems calmly, i don't make any actions without being sure about the problem, and i always look for a peacefully agreement, so i don't jump to conclusions without having the reason to do so

And im mature enough to not get emotions take myself and do something im not supposed to do

Why would you like to become staff?:

I have plenty time since, my life is quite done, i work, but i have enough time to be active +6h a day, i want to contribute to the well being of community, take this community to another level, i am mature enough to see whats right and whats wrong about anything since i have life experience

If accepted i can benefit for the good of the community, be a good Staff, so it will bring more players in since that's my objective, make this community well known, and get the server to be known to more players, so we have more playerbase on the server, since staff is supporting every player in server

What would you do if a Senior Admin is abusing their power?

I immediately contact the owner and Admins of the servers in regards of whats happening and what the person in question did, because we want to keep community clean and good for everyone else on the server so they enjoy their time in the server with quality staff members and quality servers because that's what im aiming for, giving this community the playerbase it deserves, since it's a great server, so we need great staff like the one the server already have that supports new players and everyone, the key is to be respectfull to everyone, that way we get respect back :)

I don't know much staff on the community, but i hope to get to know them, and enjoy the tie we have here on the community since thats the more important thing its well being with everyone

If accepted, how can u improve the servers experience? I can improve server experience by giving the right support to players/staff thats the most important, replying to any questions anyone as, and giving the help they need to get their questions solved, and replying to tickets and being active

Can u meet the requirement of 12h per season? Yes i can, i can play +6h daily sometimes even more than 10h daily

Whats you discord: d3Liciousz#1910



Forums launch giveaway! over 2 years ago

ign dELiciousz