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_Shake25 Member
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Minecraft: _Shake25
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IGN: _Shake25

AGE: 15

What is your TimeZone: GMT+1

Do you have any previous staff experience:

Yes, I was a Moderator on the Freshsmp server at the time, but I quit due to staff member corruption. But I also learned how to behave professionally as a staff member and how to use the basic commands. I once ran my own Minecraft server, but I had to shut down it due to some personal issues with the other two owners. But this is why I am experienced with many plugins.

Why would you like to become a staff: 

I like the design of the Minecraft server and Discord, as well as the staff and other users there. Because of this, I would want to contribute to the server's growth and development. 

What 3 attributes and 3 skills do you possess that will assist you as a staff member and the server? How will those affect the server positively?

3 skills:

I am a chill guy, but also professional at the same time.

I am able to assist and support everyone both in-game and on Discord since I am online for most of the day.

If there are problems, I'm always available and I'll do everything I can to help you fix them.

3 attributes:

I am familiar with many commands and plugins.

I am a fast student, 

I am always motivated to assist and work on the server.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?:

No, however other staff members from other servers can without a doubt.

Can you meet our season requirement of 12 hours per season?

Yes, anytime I'm at home I can usually spend 2 to 5 hours a day online and on Discord. 

What is your Discord?: Shake25#0010