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XxP3ARCExX Member
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Minecraft: XxP3ARCExX
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I have updated my staff application 

IGN (In game name): XxP3ARCExX

Age: 19

What is your timezone?: Mountain slandered time 

Do you have any previous staff experience?:  I do have previous experience with being a staff member on Minecraft and Discord. The server I did have a staff position on is called The Pond Mc. The position I was assigned was a helper. I was staff for a few months on that server then I resigned because the community got toxic, and I also had to deal with things when it came to real-life problems. I did my best in that position I have someone who can tell you about my staffing experience. The person I referenced Is sleepypanda2661. I also was a trial staff for McHub at one point in time. The reason I didn't become a helper was that I didn't meet the message requirement that they had set to become a helper.

Why would you like to become staff?:I am interested in this staff position because I have heard good things about it. And I want to further my staffing experience.

If accepted, how can you improve the servers experience?: I can bring new ideas to the table and talk about what is needed and planned for in the future of exodus.

What 3 attributes and 3 skills do you posses that will assist you as a staff member and the server. How will those effect the server positively?: I am a hard worker and willing to put in the effort to make my staff experience the best for the server. I can also bring leadership to the team and lead the way if needed. I and nice and friendly I make people feel welcome and heard when being spoken to. I'm open minded I want to hear new ideas and discuss them with the people around me.

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: Yes InfoBlock, zrzdominator and sleepypanda2661.

Can you meet our season requirement of 12 hours per season?: Yes

What is your Discord?: xxp3arcexx

Additional Information (Optional): I'm a streamer. I like to stream all kinds of games. I became an affiliate on Twitch, and I got super proud of myself because I put so much effort into streaming. I like making content for my viewers so that they have something to interact with and can have fun. I tried to make my own server I had a co-owner and staff as well, It didn't gain traction sadly and we had to close down the server. We used many plugins like core inspect, essentials, multiverses, geyser, floodgate, and others. UpscaleBeatle91 was my co-owner at the time. The server was going to be an smp. It had crates, kits, special tools, a PVP arena, and so much more.. I am excited to see what Exodus has planned for the future. 

Thank you for your consideration of this staff application! It has been fun typing this out. 

Sincerely, Pearce...