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TheCoolRudra Member
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Minecraft: TheCoolRudra
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What do you do if a staff member is caught hacking and/or being racist in another server : .....told by the higher ones . I would firstly observe his past activity on exodus and other server both . I'll compare his grinding/ progress in the same intervals of time on both servers so we can understand better if he is hacking here or not . Apart from hacking on exodus ,if he hacks on other i would make sure he gets punished accordingly and again all players must have an fair experience 

What do you do if a staff member is caught hacking and/or being racist in another server : If i found any exodus staff hacking or being racist on another minecraft network i would rather inform exodus higher management staff ( admin+) to look over the case or I personally would look over his recent activity and observer the staff for some time , and if any suspicious activity is found i would inform other higher ones or trap him and remove his role as his punishment or i would rather follow the way i have been told by the higher ones 

IGN :- TheCoolRudra 

Age :- My Age Is 14 Years 

Timezone :- My Timezone Is GMT 5:30 + 

Do You Got Any Previous Staff Experience:- Yes , I do got staffing experience in minecraft networks ( public and private ) , BrickGens : Mod , ThunderPvP : Developer , Komtya SMP : Manager , and i have even developed and managed mamy of the minecraft servers but can't mention all 

Why would you like to become staff?: I would like to become staff because i got much experience than others and staffing is my hobby especially on Minecraft networks , and want to devote my time , strength , knowledge, and experience on helping people on Minecraft networks and help them accordingly. I will make sure to be online 3-4 hours a day minimum and get on whenever I am asked by a higher up. I believe staff on servers are the most important part of a server due to how much they do and work for the server. I think it is great being a part of staff teams. I believe I can help the server grow by recommending it to my friends and family 

If accepted, how can you improve the servers experience?: If i get accepted, I would like to help the server grow to a large extent and make sure no cheaters or exploiters remain doing the same on the server for long and want to give a fair experience for all of our users and make sure media team and our players are happy with the server's doing . I will make sure that if i am not able to help or handle the situation/problem i'll immediately inform to the higher one's . I will report every bug , glitch and dupes to the higher management and make sure they are fixed as soon as possible for a fair experience for each player . I will obey every order from the higher staff management and the players abusing or bring toxic in chat i'll make sure it stops . In fact , I'll make the server better place in general 

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: Unfortunately, No staff members can vouch me 

Can you meet our season requirement of 12 hours per season?: Yes , i can easily meet the requirement of 12+ Hours playtime per season and i can do with even more . ( I had 48+ Hours of playtime on other minecraft server i.e. brickgens that i mentioned earlier on experience) 

My Discord : My discord is Rudra#9999 

Additional Information: I am a minecarft server developer, bug tester , video editor , and currently beginning Devlopment and learning c++