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Ssc1m1tAr Member
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Minecraft: Ssc1m1tAr
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STAFF APPS OF SC1M 11 months ago

IGN (In Game Name):  Ssc1m1tAr

What is your Discord?: sc1m1tar

Age: 16

What is your timezone?: EST New work 

What realm are you applying for? (Skyblock, Gens, Prisons): Skyblock

Do you have any previous staffing experience? (If yes, please list them and explain your experience): TBH I have been staffed in a couple of servers but recently I left a bunch of them, so I will give what servers I was in and how much experience I have. CustardMC I was the head developer and managed the server with its staff!
FlameNation I was a mod in the server and was a good mod until they decided to shut down due to low players! 
I was in one server in 2021, we were assigned to create a custom server with custom mobs and events, bosses, etc.

Why do you want to become a staff on ExodusMC?: Becoming staff on ExodusMC or any Minecraft server offers the opportunity to engage with the community, develop leadership skills, contribute to server growth, and find personal fulfillment through helping others and making a positive impact.

What 3 skills do you believe you have that would assist you while being staffed on ExodusMC?: Problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and teamwork and collaboration.

What 3 weaknesses do you believe you have that you would like to improve upon while being staff on ExodusMC?: I know I won't be the Best staff there is but I want to improve my Conflict resolution, Time management, and adaptability. i would also would like to improve my general staff skills! because I have been off being a staff for a couple of months focusing on my life and school so I want to get to know people and grow and learn more with you guys being my mentors and my teacher! 

Are you currently staffed on any other servers?: No, since I started focusing on my life and physical form I resigned from all of them! but now I am in a position where I can grow and learn more!.

How much time are you able to put into the server on a daily/weekly basis? A more than average player so on the weekends around 13 hours! but since I have a life outside of Minecraft, I go to school, gym, and more things that pop up so on the weekdays I will be online for 9-10 hours! also, I will be online more because my spring break is coming up and the summer break is also! I have time to put it into the server! On a weekly basis if am correct I can put around 42 or 36 hours a week! 

Additional Information (Optional): NGL Exodus is the first server I have grinded so much and spent time on it! and I get to make friends on the way!  M7 is one of them! That is all! and one thing! sometimes i stay up all day playing Minecraft so you will see me at different times and sometimes not!