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SneaXOG Member
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over 2 years ago
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Minecraft: SneaXOG
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Application over 2 years ago

IGN (In game name): SneaXOG
Age: 16 years old
What is your timezone?: EST
Do you have any previous staff experience?: I have been staff on other servers before and from those I have learned countless things such as how to properly moderate and manage a server, as well as how to properly help players, punish rule breakers, and all around make the community better and the experience for everyone better.
Why would you like to become staff?: I want to become staff because I want to use my skills of moderating/managing a server to make Exodus a better server and help grow the community overall making the player experience better.
If accepted, how can you improve the servers experience?: I can bring new experience and a new perspective to the server which would help when coming up with new features and new improvements, I can also be on a lot which will help the server limit the amount of cheaters it has while also making sure theres always atleast 1 person online to help any players in need of support.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?: no
Can you meet our season requirement of 12 hours per season?: yes I can
What is your Discord?: SneaXOG#7273