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Sn0wky Member
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Minecraft: Sn0wky
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IGN (In game name): Sn0wky
Age: 14
What is your timezone?: CST
Do you have any previous staff experience?: I was staff on LushPVP a hcf server as Mod but it shut down so I resigned and then I was Trial Mod on FireMC also a hcf and I was Senior Mod on a factions server DesirePVP also Mod on Infernal.cc another hcf server. As you see im staff on mostly hcf servers and you might think I got no skyblock experience and for that I would say true but I have alot of experience on the gamemode Ive never really found a good server on skyblock to get staff on.

Why would you like to become staff?: I think id be a really good staff member because I would be able to help so much members and even staff members with there issues they have and I can really change this server and make more players enjoy the gamemodes on here. I could also really change the wait time you have to be in discord for someone to move you I am very quick and get situations done fast for others people situations that they have going on in the server.

If accepted, how can you improve the servers experience?: I could really improve peoples experience while being on the server by a ton I know alot about the gamemode and the features on the server, also to give tips and some people just don't know the gamemode and just quit but I will make sure to give alot of tips and recommend some servers to friends and more.

What 3 attributes and 3 skills do you posses that will assist you as a staff member and the server. How will those effect the server positively? I think 1 of my skills is knowledge of the game because if I was to become staff with no knowledge of this game mode I would be really confused, and my other skill is Teamwork since if ur doing it alone that's fine but sometimes when you need help you gotta always ask even I need help sometimes. Another one of my skills is not really a skill but on other servers they take so long for staff members to move you when you need support, but I will be really active on the server, but please understand I have a life but I won't be to inactive. Also following up to the knowledge that can help since a member comes in discord and asks "I need help understanding skyblock gamemode" I would help them understand what they need to know and give them tips, also on teamwork you could help another staff member do something for a member that would help the member out. 

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: Sadly not but if any staff member who recognizes me would like to vouch that's completely fine unless if its not allowed.

Can you meet our season requirement of 12 hours per season?: Yes, I can but its the new season atm so Il see what I can do to grind and stuff.
What is your Discord?: _sn0wky_
Additional Information (Optional): Hi I'm Sn0wky 14 year old who has a dream of being really smart and just being a fun person and wanting to spend as much time in life.