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ReformedVex Member
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Minecraft: ReformedVex
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IGN (In game name): ReformedVex
Age: 16
What is your timezone?: GMT
Do you have any previous staff experience?: 

CryMC - Staff Manager

PrismHost - Support Agent

Solicit - Helper

Mined.gg - Mod/Media Manager

FineFarms - Sr-Mod

IslandNW - Developer

Why would you like to become staff?:

I have plenty of extra time during summer break that I just waste by doing nothing. I would like to contribute that time to bettering ExodusMC. I think with my previous experience staffing on discord and in-game, I am well prepared to handle a bigger server like Exodus. I enjoy dealing with tickets and discord issues, but I also love staffing on the actual server. With my skills, I believe Exodus would be a good place for me to advance and better my staffing experiences. With all of the extra time I have during summer break, I would rather utilize it by helping grow Exodus rather than wasting it doing nothing.

If accepted, how can you improve the servers experience?: I can improve the servers experience by giving players supports if they have any queries or issues. I can also help by being in tickets frequently and also being ingame/on discord in order to punish rule breakers, help other player/staff and give suggestions in order to improve the server's experience for everyone.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?: TearXo (TearXo#9302)
Can you meet our season requirement of 12 hours per season?: Yes! I can play upto 7 hours daily everyday.
What is your Discord?: ReformedVex#8096
Additional Information (Optional): Thanks for reading my application!