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PokeMACS Member
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Minecraft: PokeMACS
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Staff Application 3 months ago

IGN (In Game Name): PokeMACS

What is your Discord?: PokeMACS

Age: 37

What is your timezone?: CST

What realm are you applying for? (Skyblock, Gens, Prisons): ANY

Do you have any previous staffing experience? (If yes, please list them and explain your experience):

I have a ton of staffing experience! I’ve been in the Minecraft community for years. I started playing back in the beta stages. I worked as a Developer for 3 Minecraft servers 8-bit, Hypixel, and the HIVE. I’ve been a build manager for 9 years on the PLP Server. I’ve been admin for several servers such as Carbon Craft, Baconland just to name a few.

Why do you want to become staff on ExodusMC?:

I truly feel that my experience and knowledge could really help ExodusMC to the next level. 

What 3 skills do you believe you have that would assist you while being staff on ExodusMC?:

Coding: My extensive coding experience will help me when the server is needing to solve problems quickly and effectively. With coding I will be able to help fix any issues that may arrive as well as code something to help prevent future problems.

Management: I have a ton of management experience that will really come into play being a staff member. I have the ability to multitask without issues while managing over 150 tasks and people at the same time. It will also allow me the ability to handle sticky situations in the most professional manner possible.