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Outcalled Member
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Minecraft: Outcalled
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IGN Outcalled

Age 17

Timezone GMT+3

Do you have any previous staff experience?: I do have experience in being a Staff, a Helper, an Admin and even an Owner myself. I have 11 years of Minecraft experience and I'd say I am well developed in many areas in the game itself.

Why would you like to become staff? I haven't been staff in a while as I have a business to run and finish school for summer, I have also lost interest in games for a while. But I've recently came back into Minecraft and have been searching for a well-developed server with a nice community and I've found ExodusMC on YouTube. I have played it for a few hours now and even chatted with the Owner about a few things about the server itself. I've seen there's a lack of helpers and moderators online and nobody is really helping newcomers in chat and that may be due to the end of the season and server being reset but it's still an issue I've seen. I would like to change that and be active as much as I can whilst helping newcomers at any point of time in the season and guide them through.

If accepted, how can you improve the server's experience? I'd be thankful to help newcomers in the server and explain them the SkyBlock game itself and help them with various questions they may ask. I really want to see this server succeed and have an awesome community to be around.

What 3 attributes and 3 skills do you possess that will assist you as a staff member and the server. How will those effect the server positively? Well, the main attribute being is an active staff member that will be online at all times to assist any questions by members of the community, I'll be learning about the server itself and talking to the owners about changes that could be made to impact the server in a greater form and make it strive to be a well-made SkyBlock server to play on casually and competitively. I do not think I have any skills that aren't already in the staff team, but I may be able to bring some of them if asked about.

Can any current staff members vouch for you? Sadly, not. I've not been around the community for long enough to talk with any current staff members or players.

Can you meet our season requirement of 12 hours per season? Yes, I can. I will be playing at least 4 hours per day at minimum. Unless there's a family emergency or any strict duties I might do in real life. I will be sure to contact the staff team about them.

What is your Discord? notoutcalled#3428

Additional Information (Optional) I'd like to add that I am quite mature for my age in my opinion from the compliments I've been getting, I will be doing any duties that the staff members may assign me to and help them in any shape or form, I'd like to know the staff team and the server administrators better and being in voice calls with them.