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Minecraft: Orpin
Discord: Flimsily#6847
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My in game name is Orpin                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              My age is 14

my time zone is Pst pacific time
I have past staffing experience. These experiences are SweetMc: Admin FabledBox:Owner (No Proof sadly) Fyre.cc: Sr Mod  AtlHCF: Sr Admin Owner Vouch (qvie was my old ign) SerpentHCF: Admin No proof

I would like to become staff just to help out. I love to staff its one of my hobbies and I just want to dedicate most of time to a server just simply because I can. I want to help improve the server and improve the wellbeing of people playing. If I do become staff, I will make sure to be online 3 hours a day minimum and get on whenever I am asked by a higher up. I believe staff on servers are the most important part of a server due to how much they do for the server. I think it is great being a part of staff teams. I believe I can help the server grow by recommending it to my friends. 

 If I get accepted, I will make sure to ban all cheaters I will listen to the community and make sure to report bugs, I will make sure the media team is happy with how the server is going, if they are not, I tell higher ups to see what they can help with. I will make sure nobody spams / abuses chat, so everyone's experience is much better. If I see any toxic behavior in chat, I will make sure that it stops. I will just make the server a better place in general If I am told to do anything more, I will listen and I will do what I am told. I will not

There are not any staff members that can vouch for me currently.
I can meet the requirement of 12 hours per season I can most likely get more than 12 hours a season.

My Discord is Flimsily#6847

I am a good update tester; I know how to do custom enchants. My Telegram is @qvies. Thank you for taking the time to read my application.