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Natex Member
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Minecraft: Natex
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IGN (In Game Name):  Natex

What is your Discord?: natexrl 

Age: 18

What is your timezone?: BST

What realm are you applying for? (Skyblock, Gens, Prisons): I don’t mind but probably skyblock as I play it.

Do you have any previous staffing experience? (If yes, please list them and explain your experience): Not in recent years in minecraft as about two years ago I stopped playing minecraft for my studies. However from ages 12 to about 16 I would have been a staff member in multiple servers over the years and therefore I know I am experienced in dealing with situations while using commands. Also within discord I am a lot more confident as I have been using it for many years so I know how everything works.

Why do you want to become staff on ExodusMC?: I want to become staff on ExodusMC not only because I enjoy playing the server, I think it is well run with lots of potential therefore I feel like with my help in keeping the community safe and providing help to players it should help expand the server. As I have finished my studies I also have loads of free time and I feel the need to have some responsibilities which will help me stay sane and as I know the responsibilities of being a moderator it is likely i will always have something to do which I what I want. Finally I feel like being staff will improve my team working skills which will help me not only when consulting other staff members but later in life to which I think is essential.

What 3 skills do you believe you have that would assist you while being staff on ExodusMC?: One skills which would assist me as a moderator is being emotionally intelligent I feel like I can grasp on how people are feeling therefore i know how to respond to the situation in the best possible way, without offending the person. I learnt this the hard way. Another skill I possess is my experience as I am 18 I feel I have experienced a lot in life not just my time playing minecraft and with this comes experience and I keep use this to my advantages for example when having to make decisions under pressure or for example when having to deal with a situation that requires sensitivity. Finally another strength I have is I am a team player. So I feel like with me in the staff team I will always be looking to consult other staff members  which I know motivates me but it will likely also motivate other employees as it is always good to work in a good working environment.

What 3 weaknesses do you believe you have that you would like to improve upon while being staff on ExodusMC?:  One weakness that I hope to improve is I am potentially a bit rusty with commands as I haven’t played in a while although I do know how to deal with situations I think by being a staff member I should become better with commands both in the discord and in the server. Another weakness I think I possess is the fact I get attached really easily to things which can be both good or bad however I find letting things go hard if a build a connection or relationship with it and by having responsibilities it should keep my busy throughout so I don’t have to think like this. Finally my last weakness could be the fact  although I know how to handle situations I sometimes over complicate things when their are simple solutions and by being a staff member I will learn the easy way how easy it is to resolve situations most of the time.

Are you currently staff on any other servers?: No, I am willing to invest a lot of my time in this server.

How much time are you able to put into the server on a daily/weekly basis?: daily could be anywhere from 3 or 4 hours to 7 daily and around 28 hours weekly or potentially more.

Additional Information (Optional): Email: [email protected]. I am here for the long term and I will take this job very serious and I am also willing to listen and learn which should improve other players experience. Thank you for taking the time to read my application. Kind regards, Nathan