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Jpdoty Member
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Minecraft: Jpdoty
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Jpdoty Staff app about 1 year ago

IGN (In game name): Jpdoty
What is your timezone?: NA East
Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yes, During 2020 i used to own my own skyblock server(WavesMC) with a friend which unfortunately failed due to lack of money. Being said i used to config plugins manage the staff team and help players along the way. I also used to be a manager on another server (prismMC) which also failed because the owner shut it down. I do not know how to code plugins its self but configuring a plugin to meet your needs i can do. 
Why would you like to become staff?: I wanna become staff because i really miss being a staff member on a minecraft team. I work full time and after i come home and play and i just miss the excitement of staffing and building a community. 
If accepted, how can you improve the servers experience?: If i become a helper my main priority would be getting chat to be active again. Talk to the players and help them grow there island and grow the community to get everyone to like eachother and less toxic way lol. I can also help with new ideas with each new map to improve the game quality for players. 
What 3 attributes and 3 skills do you posses that will assist you as a staff member and the server. How will those effect the server positively? Im active, i see alot that there are no staff online so i will be active (mainly at night) to assist players and get chat active again. I also know how to config plugins so if down the road the oppurtunity is there i can help config plugins that are coded. Im really patient so helping players who are mainly rude and impatient are easiy for me to handle so i can get the issue resolved quickly. 

Can any current staff members vouch for you?: no
Can you meet our season requirement of 12 hours per season?: Yes
What is your Discord?: Jpdoty#7796
Additional Information (Optional): Nope just thank you for your time in reading this !