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HalfRedDegen Member
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Minecraft: HalfRedDegen
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once in a small server which I still am staff but I could probably get the owner / co-owner to vouch for me

I would like to be staff because I have an interest and personal connection  to the community this could be shown through my discord text score as i have 5th in the entire server showing the time i have spent and the conversations i have had and I can help new players or old with issues or just a person to talk to because as a staff member its important to be kind as well as helping people especially because the staff of a server reflects so highly on the server itself

 I am on discord a lot so any question will be answered and whenever in game I'll answer questions as well as any support a player needs as well as doing anything that you guys need to make your job easier i always see how busy the staff but also how quick tickets are answered so i would love to make you guys less busy but also keep up that great standard of tickets you have as it really is impressive how well you guys handle people and it shows the perfect staff i would like to mimic

I have a positive relationship with pretty much every player and am able to talk with people positively making them feel welcome and happy as well making a peaceful environment as we don't want people to be worried to ask questions or get help 

I don't believe so but I hope in the past any staff encounters have been seen as respectful and polite

 yes I'm currently at 19 hours


My nickname is Red that's what I would prefer to be called I'm taking IT so eventually I'm interested in learning to code which could help the server and I have social issues so I appreciate a chat and any excuse to improve my social skills however there will be moments when I won't be active for a short while due to things like exams etc I will take this role seriously but real life always comes first but apart from then I will make sure to be as active and as useful as possible