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Buwh Member
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about 1 year ago
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Buwh Staff Application about 1 year ago

IGN (In game name): Buwh
Age: 18
What is your timezone?:GMT +2
Do you have any previous staff experience?:Yes I do, I've been accepted on enchanted, Oplegends (Long ago), MCGLOBE, MCClouds, WinterMC.
Why would you like to become staff?: Well to be honest, I've been playing exodus quite a lot lately and I've been enjoying the server a lot. I am currently playing with Tobi, he is part of your staff team. I would like to join him in the staff community. It looks really fun and I know for a fact I would enjoy it! I've given a few ideas for future maps/gamemodes (Ocation) knows. I see a lot of potential in this server and I would like to join the journey with you all in the staff team.
If accepted, how can you improve the servers experience?: I am a pretty active EU player and I'll definetly help the players out whenever the other staff members are offline. I would always try my best to give everyone the best possible advice and tips on the server. And yes, I do know I will be sending a few players to higher up staff members due to me not being able to solve all the possible problems out there, but I will definetly try my best to take away as many problems as possible.
3 attributes and 3 skills do you posses that will assist you as a staff member and the server. How will those effect the server positively?


Resilience:I have the ability to accept that I can also make mistakes. I learn from it and move on pretty quickly.

Problem-Solving: I got pretty good problem solving skills. I can work under pressure and I can think out of the box when it is really needed!

Ethical Integrity:I will always be honest towards everyone. I will never lie to anyone and I will tell everyone the truth even if I was the person doing the wrong things. I'd rather make a mistake and learn from it, than lie and learn absolutely nothing.


Time Management: I will always try my best to make time for everything. If I need to spend a little time doing several things at once, I will do that 100%. I will find ways to make everything work. No matter what.

Crisis Management: I can work under pressure. I can work when everything is hectic around me. I do not get stressed and fold under that intense moment. I will always try my best to perform 110% towards anything and everyone

Emotional Intelligence: I can keep my emotions under control. I know when I am allowed to be frustrated and when to be making jokes. I know there is a time to focus up and be serious, and I know there's a time to have fun.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?: No, not sure
Can you meet our season requirement of 12 hours per season?: Well I know for a fact that I've played more than 12hrs this current season. I know my playtime says otherwise but I've grinded several hours while my character was AFK cause I was hitting mobs. Like in week 1 for Fullsend. Pretty sure I grinded 12hrs + alone just that week.
What is your Discord?: dan0121
Additional Information (Optional): I do not think I have any more information about myself. I gave you detailed answers that summed me up.