IGN (In game name):
What is your timezone?:
Do you have any previous staff experience?: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UpXenFtXTsCJKEuUP8VNajg2_VHzmuw0j3ZNwMEik_0/edit?usp=sharing
Why would you like to become staff?:
I would like to become a staff member because I want to help the server out, help players, meet new players and more. I am motivated to do things and always happy to help out, I'm always looking for new challenges. I always look to improve my skills and learn new stuff. I want to make sure that the chat is clear of any unwanted spam and racism that will cause problems. Help out new staff and older whenever I can.
If accepted, how can you improve the server's experience?:
I would bring my previous staffing and management positions. Staffing on other servers as well as getting the possibility to own a server myself helped me expand my experience a lot. How to handle difficult situations, be efficient, professional, handle tickets, configuration, server & staff management and more.
I am also professional and mature which can help me leave a good impression of the server and represent the network well. I work well under pressure and always look to help someone out and learn something new.
What 3 attributes and 3 skills do you possess that will assist you as a staff member and the server. How will those affect the server positively?
Professionalism: I believe that my professionalism will be an important thing. Being professional in global chat, representing the network as well in the tickets is important, and I have that professionalism.
Responsibility: I take responsibility for my actions and understand how a server works.
Extraversion: I am a social person which I believe is a great thing, connecting with the community, talking, creating a positive image for the network.. I always love to talk with someone.
Teamwork: Working in a team and being a part of it is important. I love to work among other staff members and to help out anyone and always to get feedback. I have good communication skills and work well with others.
Independent: I still enjoy trying to figure things out on my own and learn which I think is great as it requires problem solving and being effective.
Thinking: I like to look over things extra, take a few looks and see different perspectives of a problem and figure out a solution for it, which is a great skill to have.
Can any current staff members vouch for you?:
Can you meet our season requirement of 12 hours per season?:
What is your Discord?:
Additional Information (Optional):
Last edited: over 2 years ago