IGN (In game name):
-> Brentispro
-> 16
What is your timezone?:
-> Indian Standard Time(IST)
Do you have any previous staff experience?:
-> Indeed,
Why would you like to become staff?:
-> its beacuse i wanna help out you and the community while you dont have to do much of any work cuz i can handle alot of stuff myself. Quite frankly i also want the experience of being a staff in your server and check out how you have handle stuff and also get some tips and tricks for myself on some situations or some things that i wont know myself. I could have applied in any other server but i like your server quite honestly and would love to get close with the developers and staff and also make new friends :D and wanna help you relax and take some duty off your shoulders and help out the communtiy wherever i can, Testing stuff lilke bugs and suggestion for new ideas and be honest in situations and not be biased
If accepted, how can you improve the servers experience?:
-> Currently i dont see anything wrong but as i get more involved in the server the more i can help you guys improve the server experience
What 3 attributes and 3 skills do you posses that will asist you as a staff member and the server. How will those effect the server positively?
-> Honesty, Dedication and Team work.. If you are asking about mine i think its team work and honesty and ill put my dedication into the server if the staff team and owners are chill to me and also friendly (which i hope u are)... If i decide to do something i most likely end up finishing it :D,
Can any current staff members vouch for you?:
-> i dont think so.....
Can you meet our season requirement of 12 hours per season?:
-> Indeed i can
What is your Discord?:
-> #8132
Additional Information (Optional): I wanted to add that i love working as a team member and love helping out wherever and whenever i can, Hope you good luck for the server!!!
Last edited: over 2 years ago