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polein Staff Application
Topic Locked
polein Member
1 posts
1 topics
over 2 years ago




Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yes, i’ve been staffing on many servers and for along time.These are the servers i’m still staff on at this moment: WinterMC,PvPJunkie,JoltenPvP.


Why would you like to become staff?:I would like to be staff because i pretty much like the server and the community base in general, the server is very calm and it’s just a vibe in general.



If accepted, how can you improve the servers experience?:Well i’ll start off with how active i am, me i’m a pretty free guy and i would like to say that i dedicate a lot of my time to ExodusMC which would be good because i could staff and enjoy the gameplay. Continuing on, As I said i’m very active which means i’ll be keeping chat safe and sensible for all the new comers because as a new person joining the server for the first time you wouldn’t want other people being toxic and trolling you.



What 3 attributes and 3 skills do you posses that will asist you as a staff member and the server. How will those effect the server positively? Well  the 3 skills/attributes i posses would be how active i am , honesty,maturity,being respectful,trustworthy and also understanding people and being able to take a joke. These skills/attributes would effect the server positively because Every server needs a staff members who’s active, Mature, Honest, Respectful, trustworthy and a lot more. All these skills should be on all staff members dedicating themselves for a server.



Can any current staff members vouch for you?:To be honest i’m not sure, but i did report one of your media team members for scamming and he got warned and then the issue got solved. 



Can you meet our season requirement of 12 hours per season?:Ffff  i’ll probably be able to do 12 hours within 2-3days max so yeah easily more then 12 per season. 



What is your Discord?:polein#1180



Additional Information (Optional):Not really but yeah anyone who’s reading this i hope you have a good day <3




ZxenMC Senior Moderator Staff
77 posts
7 topics
over 2 years ago

Hello polein

Thank you for applying at ExodusMC!

After reviewing your application and your account in-game, I will be transferring your application to PENDING 

This does NOT mean your accepted but we are considering your application! If you have any questions regarding your application, please open a support ticket!

Enjoy ExodusMC

x 1

ZxenMC - Manager & Staff Manager of ExodusMC 

Don’t hesitate to MSG me on discord or in-game for support