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My application
Topic Locked
SamLemmon Member
1 posts
1 topics
10 months ago

IGN (In Game Name): SammLemon

What is your Discord?: storniea_94159

Age: 19

What is your timezone?: AEST

What realm are you applying for? (Skyblock, Gens, Prisons): Skyblock

Do you have any previous staffing experience? (If yes, please list them and explain your experience): Yes, I was a the head of Game Master in Play Ethos.

It was a sky block theme server not copy of hypixel. There I worked for 3 years and have a good experience of staff and managing and also moderation. I was very active there and was also an incharge of staff. Fakepixel - Mod, MineRise - Admin.

Why do you want to become staff on ExodusMC?: I wish to become staff so I can improve the server and make it greater for players and staff. I'd like to see the server at it's peak, so I'll try everyday as hard as I can to improve it for the better. I want to help keep things in order, help players have fun, and keep the server up and running! I play quite a lot, and there aren 't any staff members on when I'm on. If I were a moderator, I would be 100% dedicated to the server, and I would try my very best to be on as much as I can to help others. My secondary reasons for becoming Staff are because I wish to prove to myself that I can be responsible by enforcing the rules. I would like to prove to myself that I can follow the rules and not do anything stupid Anymore. I would like to see a peaceful chat and friendly for people who are younger.

What 3 skills do you believe you have that would assist you while being staff on ExodusMC?:  Being Kind. Having Integrity  • Organized

• Dedicated • Collaborative


What 3 weaknesses do you believe you have that you would like to improve upon while being staff on ExodusMC?: • Perfectionism

• Competitive

Are you currently staff on any other servers?: Yes.

How much time are you able to put into the server on a daily/weekly basis?: 8 - 9 hours

Additional Information (Optional): I am Sam Kellep from USA. I like to play minecraft servers and help each other with my full effort.

M7L35 Manager Staff
40 posts
1 topics
10 months ago



Unfortunately after careful consideration, your application has been DENIED.


You may re-apply in 2 weeks.


Kind Regards,
